Wednesday, November 12, 2014

An intriguing book that opens up possibilities.

It is almost everyone’s dream to travel, to see the world and explore other cultures, add in the idea of actually making money while doing it and that dream quickly turns into a sweet fantasy; but what if it’s not? What if you really can make money, even make a living while traveling? George Michael Babineau has done it and he explains how in “TEFL Teach and Travel: How to Travel the world and make the most money living abroad.”
That last part is key – how to make the MOST money. For a US citizen living abroad, its’ actually quite easy – if you know the tips and the tricks. The money that you can save while teaching English as a foreign language is massive; rent, healthcare, transportation –the list goes on. There are a few caveats though, and Babineau explains them up front. Your birthplace must be 1 of the 6 countries where English is the native language, you must have a BA degree in something and you must have a clean record, clean check up and a TEFL diploma. If that’s you, then you are in luck. George Michael Babineau has the 411 on the countries that will pay you the most to work there legally, and which countries to stay away from.
An intriguing book that opens up possibilities.
SoCalBookGal wrote this review 7 hours ago.

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